The Smart Hospital of the Future
Personalized, Human-Centered Care Is Possible
Technology can help our healthcare system overcome persistent challenges and reach new heights in care delivery.
We believe the future of healthcare includes a care environment that enables personalized, human-centered care.
The only way to achieve this is with a Smart Hospital Platform powered by artificial intelligence (AI).

Healthcare Can’t Afford the Status Quo
Healthcare has reached its tipping point.
Unprecedented burnout, growing economic pressures, and declining productivity only add fuel to the fire, forcing the industry toward a fundamental shift in how it operates in order to survive.
The Stakeholders: Who’s Impacted by This Change?
The state of healthcare affects everyone, from individual patients and provider teams to payers and entire communities.
A new standard for the smart hospital will create a positive ripple effect through the ecosystem.
Our Vision:
The Smart Hospital of the Future
For the U.S. healthcare system to survive, the industry needs a fundamental shift in how we approach healthcare delivery.
Every stakeholder — organizational leaders, clinicians, team leads, regulators, compliance organizations, and certification entities — must recognize that change is necessary for survival, each doing their part to make it happen.

What Needs to Change?
Healthcare does not have enough clinicians now — and will not for the foreseeable future. The clearest path to solving this is to reduce waste. The U.S. healthcare system has a $750 M opportunity to address failures of care delivery, care coordination, and low-value care.
Task-oriented documentation, in particular, needs immediate remedy. The “if you don’t document it, it didn’t happen,” approach falls short, resulting in latent, inaccurate, and incomplete information.
Data is the lynchpin to measure outcomes and solve problems, but clinicians cannot afford additional steps to get this information; we must redesign our workflows to achieve true care transformation.
It’s time for healthcare systems to embrace a different mindset: real-time documentation and monitoring that happens via voice and video capture.
What Does the Future Look Like?
The future of healthcare is simplicity — a single camera, speaker, and TV — free of keyboards, mice, and multiple-screen clutter.
Traditional data entry methods disappear, replaced by a healthcare environment that intuitively collects data through sensors, enabling ambient intelligence, and making personalized care possible with real-time, patient-specific data.
Technology works in concert with clinical activity and workflows, adapting to the natural course of human interaction and enhancing providers’ capacity to look at the patient. It eases the transition to home as care moves beyond the hospital walls.
Newly accessible, high-fidelity data presents the opportunity to establish more precise standards built on measurable insights.
Behind the Scenes: AI
We have the technology right now to make this vision happen. Healthcare systems simply need to implement the infrastructure to bring it to life.
The care environment of the future relies on a scalable, interoperable platform that leverages AI across various digital technologies.
The Near-Term Horizon
What are the initial steps the healthcare industry needs to take to make this vision a reality?
There are several ways stakeholders – both at the organization level and clinician level – can begin to create environments that enable personalized, human-centered care.
It all starts with demonstrating the value of artificial intelligence and ambient technologies.
Create a crawl, walk, run approach for implementing ambient technology to earn staff buy-in and establish ease of use. This includes the integration of cameras, speakers, and other IoT sensors into clinical environments.
Cultivate an organizational culture that champions personalized healthcare delivery, elevates health equity, and recognizes patient population diversity.
Build a process for clinicians to identify opportunities/use cases for sensor technologies that build confidence and provide immediate benefit.
Examples include using these devices to enhance remote care, patient satisfaction, and caregiver safety.
Our Invitation
At Artisight, we believe in the power of AI to transform healthcare.
Our Smart Hospital Platform equips healthcare organizations to combat the biggest challenges facing patient and provider communities.
We’ve built our vision for the smart hospital of the future upon fully passive ambient intelligence, adapting and responding to your needs in real time.
By enabling virtual care, quality improvement, and enhanced care coordination, our essential, scalable, and future-ready digital infrastructure paves the way for clinical, financial, and operational success.
Our commitment to bridging the gap between innovation and healthcare excellence ensures a brighter future for our communities.
Say goodbye to burnout and inefficiencies and embrace a system where healthcare organizations thrive with adaptive, real-time solutions that enhance patient care and streamline operations.
Discover the future and see healthcare through the lens of possibility with Artisight.